"A diva is a celebrated female singer.
Someone who is arrogant, difficult to work with, high-maintenance, manipulative, fussy, highly strung, privileged and demanding. "
Source: Wikipedia
I am definitely not a diva-singer but I am all the negative connotation mentioned. So yeah....you can either love me for who I am or hate me. Anyways, what we usually perceive "DIVA" (or maybe just me) is someone who is highly-fashionable with that unique, privileged attitude that screams "D.I.V.A".....you know.....being all American-ish with that attitude like those in the movies, series and videos??
So.....my most DIVA moments??? (excuse me if my story got swayed from the true meaning of DIVA =S) Being Miss Jennifer...I am just a casual, low confidence girl...but..... Let me introduce to you....my evil twin.........
Le Jenny (the DIVA in me)
This arrogant, demanding and fussy little tigress only appears when she's on stage or should I say.....in competitions. The one who cannot accept the word "You're a LOSER" in her face. When she gets on stage, she is all confident about herself physically and mentally (total opposite of me). Sometimes, she does surface every now and then in Miss J's life. At times, I have to suppress that DIVA in me but when there's a need.....Le Jenny will take over.
So, presenting to you..........
Le Jenny in Miss Melaka Beach 2008 and Miss Nyonya Kebaya International Pageant 2008!!!
Being myself, I would never be able to have that confidence and poise to present myself on stage and in public. Why?? Because I am just any ordinary-no-sense-of-fashion girl (you know how they say that confidence is built from your dressings??)...but when Le Jenny takes over.....She could mix and match any clothes in the wardrobe (too many clothes and nothing to wear-Miss J) and comes out with fashion ideas then draws them on paper and works on sewing machines to come up with that unique designs.
To me, I am lucky to have an evil twin (weighing the benefits and consequences)....without her, I would not have had a wonderful 2008 year....Winning prizes in beauty pageants, getting invites to special events (Chic Code:LBD) and even got the grand prize from TiC (a stay in Indigo Pearl, Phuket and a pair of heels from Shoes, Shoes, Shoes).
Above all, thanks to Le Jenny for giving me such wonderful opportunities,and the courage and confidence to enter into competitions that the ordinary me would not have thought of. Specially thanks to TiC for the invites and the wonderful prize.
You people from TiC really gave me the most DIVA moments that I had never had in years =D
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