Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Just got bac not long and was editing all this pics for you my love.Hope you like them yea.While you're sweetly sleeping,ere's couple of pics to describe hubbys journey home.Nothing much happened at Louis's place so didn't manage to capture any candid shots,all were like so restless and tired.Probably they were excited about the paint ball later at 1130.haha.End up wasted sometime there.Its 0510 now,really tired but now is the best chance to post this pics so that you're able to view them later when miamour's up in about..4 to 5 hours time.yeah..that is if you're not that tired and piggy till like 11.heh.

Was feeling hungry but the rest didn't want to eat.So end up hubby eating alone.Took some pics along the way to SS15 ah neh's place while driving.Have to admit,almost lost control.heh.Before that,there was this car parked 'cuntedly' behind louis's house.What else?ere comes the canon 350D to the rescue.snap.

Manage to get the ah neh's to pose for the cam.they're all really cool people.They acted for me once and each time i go there i feel like a star,they call hubby the camera man,sometimes director.The moment the boss saw me with the cam he was like "wa,ni sudah reporter ka ni?".hahaha.His dad was even funny,asked like how much did i spent on the cam,when i told him about like 2K he straight look away went like "aiyouyou" then wiggle the head.The rest of the ah neh's were cool too,they just love to talk to people.Have to think about them sometimes too co'z they're all like imported from India and quite pity them sometimes coz families are like so far away.Instantly after taking the pics they asked if i could develope the pics for them.enjoy the pics baby!all for you!

cun.Still cun.Vely de cun.

SS15 ere i come.

You noe why its blur all of a sudden?Coz i was going to hit the divider!

Missing you loads my love when i took this one.Was messaging you at the same time too.

This is the ah neh which is in-charge of drinks and all.His younger brother Samy used to work ere too before this.

Okie,this part.I dunno their names,the only think i know is the one in the middle just arrived not long ago.The rest are here at least for a year already,don't really know their name coz they're BM skills are still not that stable yet,but must more improved now.Hopefully can get their name the next time i see them rather than yelling "ah neh!" and the entire shop of ah neh's turn back and go "yen dah macha?".

The one on the left side is always behind the shop washing the plates and all.He doesn't talk much,whatever you ask he'll just give you the sweetest smile you've never seen before,so sweet sometimes you don't know if you want to smile back or just slap him and go "yen dah?".The one in the middle is also a new guy,thats why in this pic you can see ah neh tandi macha guiding him on how to arrange the cups and all.

Ere's the masted mind behind Mamak 5 bintang(a.k.a centre point-in between 2 buildings).He looks fierce sometimes but he's really really really nice.And he's only like 25 or something only.Really young fella,married with 1 daughter and 1 more boy coming soon on either 26th or 27th this month.

Ere's his father taking a break from workin.Ok,i dunno if his father or not but they sure do look alike.aiya.its him la!

This one's really funny,was tryin to get one natural shot of him and suddenly he lifted his left arm like Hitler when i clicked.ah neh....

haha,finally at last i asked him if he wanted a picture he wiggled his head again and said ok.snap.Portrait pic of Uncle Mamak.And with those wrinkles you can tell he has been workin for a very long time already,and been thru loads of pain and also happiness but,he is still ere in this world,workin for a living.

Okie..its 0552 now.Time to hit the sack i guess.Will share more pictures with you again soon yeah baby!Sweet dreams sexy bum!spank.

I love you~!

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