Thursday, July 3, 2008

Am i determined?

Hmmm....just came back from uni not too long ago. Had CA lecture class and I attended Tax tutorial classes as well. Supposed to be back after 3pm but due to sudden-hardworking-attitude, I stayed for another hour of tax tutorial. Basically, I attended 2 hours of the same tutorials. The arguments and reasonings were different in both classes because students had to present their answers this week. So, out of random-ness and dont-know-what-ness, I voluntered to present next week's tutorial in class. Yeah....I didn't know what hit me in the head definitely. So, better get prepared.

CA lecturer as usual was talking very fast but I had to admit that he gives good lectures. Unlike some lazy lecturers that read from their slides (well,except for those theory papers =/), he can give us examples after examples, explanations after explanations, without even referring to the slides that we printed out. Hmmm.....amalgamation, absorption, acquiring and absorbing companies owning shares in each others' companies.....I got confused. What else?? Had to revise la. I don't want to lose out anymore since 'the boyfriend' is working very hard with his FYP and portfolio. Heeee....can't wait to attend his graduation. I want to see his artworks which honestly....I seldom get to see recently. I still remember when he used to have 'character design' class. He drew the characters while I thought of names for them. That was fun =)


Well, the reason that I joined 2 tutorial classes today until 4pm because I wanted to get rid of the shopping-brain-thinking polluting my mind. I hate it that my mind keeps thinking about shopping. Sighs....So, I vowed that I must concentrate on my studies. Whenever I think about shopping, I will study my notes and textbooks. Hmmm....I think I will definitely get first class honours again with this consistent habit ROFL!! Why?? Because I think of shopping and styling all the time!! When I want to get that skirt or pants, my mind starts spinning; thinking about how to pair that outfit up. So ironic!
Not forgetting that I must thank 'the boyfriend' for willing to go beyond the lines to please me. I will always appreciate that. So, I promise you that I will not shop and concentrate on what is important. After I get the things that I want to buy, I will not shop until the next semester break. Best still if I cut down on buying more clothes. Maybe I should change my interest and start investing in books huh? Heeee....


YC didn't attend classes today. Wonder what is wrong with her. Hopefully, she's doing alright. Yesterday, I noticed her eyes were puffy and red. During class, she didn't concentrate as much as she used she kept sms-ing. Anyways, really hope that everything will go well for you. Don't be so moody in class anymore okie? Happy-go-lucky ma =D

Enough of blabbing now.....better go shower and take my dinner. I am extremely hungry and I need that extra fats in my body. Am extremely thin tsktsk =S

p/s: Missing you here hunny-bun!Can't wait to see you soon and have another romantic outing *mwah*

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