Alright!! This post is late by a week because I've been up to something lately that I've basically forgotten to update the blog. Anyways, I made a small steamboat party at my house; just among the group I hang out with in university. The party was 3 days after my genuine birth date.
The night before, I emailed the girls telling them that my theme was 'FUN-COLORS'!! Hahaha...I remembered adding in words used by our lecturers which they kept mentioning and making fun of it during the party. Kenneth was imitating our HR lecturer. Anyways, it was my first time celebrating with this bunch of friends. Soooo, I guess I felt abit awkward but am glad that everything turned out okie.
Well, 'the boyfriend' was supposed to be back early to help me prepare but he told me 'honestly' that he had his FYP class and there were some problems with the lecturer. I was sooo darn worried and I called so many times until his cellphone almost exploded but he didn't answer my calls. So, that day we only communicated through sms and to be frank, I got upset and angry at him because he told me the earliest bus he could get was 6pm. FREAKING LATE!!!! My friends came about 6 something to 7pm and 'the boyfriend' will arrive like....9pm!?? I sorta lost my temper.
Called tak answer nevermind...siap can tell me to be patient with him. tsktsk =.=
Guess what!??? He LIED to me....We all waited for my brother to arrive to start the steamboat. So, when I heard his mini truck with the super-loud engine sound, I went outside. Yeah....and I saw......'THE BOYFRIEND'.....
Definitely shock...ish ish...didn't know I could get punk'd that way.
The night was fine and I was truly happy and appreciated their companies. My bestie, Mr J ordered flowers and had them delivered to my home but I wasn't home to accept it...Therefore, my brother accepted the flowers instead. Hahha...Thanks alot!!! So much sincerity to have called to order the flowers all the way from Australia. Truly appreciate it!! The gang...well, they gave me a set of Burberry perfume and its lotion (definitely not because I smell bad alright?). They got it because well......I always go to uni with different perfume smell. *don't simply say I smell bad. I smell absolutely super-wangi-more-fragrant-than-flowers* LOL Hmmm....definitely love the smell of that perfume and good choice babes and Kenneth of course!!!
That night, there wasn't supposed to be any cakes because the party was 3 days late but......the gang bought me a small blueberry cake and 'the boyfriend' got me apple cheesecake. Yummy-licious!!! Actually, the small blueberry cake with tonnes of high-cal-cream was meant for smashing my oh-so-beautiful-face into it. Alice-the-naughty-beauty pushed the candles so deep into the cake and I was FORCED to take them out using my mouth. that was their plan to create opportunity to smash me face into the cake but.....Hahaha....guess they weren't so lucky after all. I have very fast response ya LOL!! You people just have to try.....not a little bit harder BUT.....VERY VERY x infinity harder *evil laughs*
Although the party was just between the few of us, but I definitely had alot of fun because I got the chance to mix, hang out and get to know them a bit deeper. Owh....must must give credits to Miss Hong Wai Leng-the-super-'in-chim' for making the birthday card for me. Well, not too bad lar...still can tahan LOL....But I really appreciate the efforts that you people put for me!!
Hmmm....we took quite a few know...a bunch of girls = cam-whores =)
I'll let the pictures do the talking....
The night before, I emailed the girls telling them that my theme was 'FUN-COLORS'!! Hahaha...I remembered adding in words used by our lecturers which they kept mentioning and making fun of it during the party. Kenneth was imitating our HR lecturer. Anyways, it was my first time celebrating with this bunch of friends. Soooo, I guess I felt abit awkward but am glad that everything turned out okie.
Well, 'the boyfriend' was supposed to be back early to help me prepare but he told me 'honestly' that he had his FYP class and there were some problems with the lecturer. I was sooo darn worried and I called so many times until his cellphone almost exploded but he didn't answer my calls. So, that day we only communicated through sms and to be frank, I got upset and angry at him because he told me the earliest bus he could get was 6pm. FREAKING LATE!!!! My friends came about 6 something to 7pm and 'the boyfriend' will arrive like....9pm!?? I sorta lost my temper.
Called tak answer nevermind...siap can tell me to be patient with him. tsktsk =.=
Guess what!??? He LIED to me....We all waited for my brother to arrive to start the steamboat. So, when I heard his mini truck with the super-loud engine sound, I went outside. Yeah....and I saw......'THE BOYFRIEND'.....
Definitely shock...ish ish...didn't know I could get punk'd that way.
The night was fine and I was truly happy and appreciated their companies. My bestie, Mr J ordered flowers and had them delivered to my home but I wasn't home to accept it...Therefore, my brother accepted the flowers instead. Hahha...Thanks alot!!! So much sincerity to have called to order the flowers all the way from Australia. Truly appreciate it!! The gang...well, they gave me a set of Burberry perfume and its lotion (definitely not because I smell bad alright?). They got it because well......I always go to uni with different perfume smell. *don't simply say I smell bad. I smell absolutely super-wangi-more-fragrant-than-flowers* LOL Hmmm....definitely love the smell of that perfume and good choice babes and Kenneth of course!!!
That night, there wasn't supposed to be any cakes because the party was 3 days late but......the gang bought me a small blueberry cake and 'the boyfriend' got me apple cheesecake. Yummy-licious!!! Actually, the small blueberry cake with tonnes of high-cal-cream was meant for smashing my oh-so-beautiful-face into it. Alice-the-naughty-beauty pushed the candles so deep into the cake and I was FORCED to take them out using my mouth. that was their plan to create opportunity to smash me face into the cake but.....Hahaha....guess they weren't so lucky after all. I have very fast response ya LOL!! You people just have to try.....not a little bit harder BUT.....VERY VERY x infinity harder *evil laughs*
Although the party was just between the few of us, but I definitely had alot of fun because I got the chance to mix, hang out and get to know them a bit deeper. Owh....must must give credits to Miss Hong Wai Leng-the-super-'in-chim' for making the birthday card for me. Well, not too bad lar...still can tahan LOL....But I really appreciate the efforts that you people put for me!!
Hmmm....we took quite a few know...a bunch of girls = cam-whores =)
I'll let the pictures do the talking....
*the hot-and-steamy steamboat*

*candid shots*

*the birthday-cake-song-in-4-languages moment*

*blow-candles-make-a-wish-and-mouth-candle moment*

*the thorn among the roses-HE'S SO LUCKY I KNOE =)*

*girls just wanna have fun =D*

*dee-nee the special guest who came WITHOUT marilyn because her dancimg is more important than my blowing-candles moment HUH!! YOU OWE ME ONE MARILYN!!*

*this one memang random...wanna-be-burberry-model*

*pressies of the night and still more to come =)*

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