Yeap.Im workin today.Almost everyone is in the office to get things done.Niway,ere's some prove to miss she coz she doesn't beleive that im seriously,actually workin today,on a Sunday.Yes, i am. all goes well for all,weather is so freakin hot that i couldn't even breath properly while driving just now. Niway,Ere's some random pics about me at work place.
Fiesty Fizah and Kaism gettin high while lookin at our hyper tight schedule.

Yeap,its insane.See it for yourself.

Dista andKaism getting even more high when our projects got so stuck up with the timeline.Kasim was talkin to himself , and Dista was telling himself not to follow the light above him.

Here's my aweKsome senior animator DR.Yau huggin period pads while workin on the project.We were assigned on the same project,so yea,we all hugged the products like pillows.


Our very own peace bringing plant.

Ah Lan and Fiesty Fizah having their lunch in the chillin room,ere's where we chill out and chat when we get so stressed up,and if we're so stress and start slapping our own faces,we will be here chillin with the Xbox.

Ere's my work zone,yea,toys everywhere,figurines to revoltechs,elfione style.
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