We here had loads of fun too doing loads of visiting and all,but for this year,more on the family side compared to visiting friends,coz everyone had their own plans and all this year,some came back few days after cny some had to stay home for the time being coz been away for some time...etc.But,we did had loads of aweKsome moments.
This year got a little bit more exciting compared to last year coz we had to travel to Pahang to visit mom's relatvies and all.Journey was alright coz we werent rushing for anything so we took our own sweet time.I'll leave the details about the fun ride to miss she,alright babe?
Just got back from Left4Dead with Matt and Fab,something different than usual coz everyone wanted to try out the other maps in the game compared to the demo one,and yes,it was superb.As usual,im always the noob one doing really really stupid stuffs in every game i play,well known for that.From shooting own team mates to blowing up myself into pieces(kamikaze style),and the ultimate one for today,melee those darn zombies instead of using the blardy weapon in my hands.
As for COD4,we came across this video which is the craziest thing we've never seen before.This dude here freakin c4 the chopper.Yea.With a c4.Im not sure bout you guys out there but this video rocks so hard that the Purple Monkeys would wanna start using c4 like elfione style already.Here's the vid .
Here's some pictures taken during the LapSap Junkyard and also CNY.
Here's miss she with Jan,i dunno what are they looking at but for the record i think at least it helped building up the feel a little.

This one here is elfione marn trying to snap shot someone's beautiful left eye. yeap.Thats the reflection there.

This one here is the highlight for today.This one here is taken by miss she herself,pretty cool eh?I dunno about you guys,but for a beginner like herself i think its a job well done here.Proud of you babe,next time i will give more assignments,just gotta be patient yea.
Alright,i guess thats all for today.The next post should be miss she herself with some CNY pictures and all.Till then,you guys rest well.Take care and God Bless.
oh yea,this one's for you babe,
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