Time to update again on vat da hell has been harpenin alounded ere.Everyones so caught up with work,me ere workin real hard on the project with the Purple Monkeys and yeap me love's havin her exams now.But yea,hidup masih sihat.Wall -E is out,and the review was good,guess its time to hit the screens again with me love.Been doing a lot of research recently on many ancient materials and seriously its freakin inspiring to me now at the moment.Somehow we should just stop what ever we do at the moment and look back at this artifacts and history,i used to hate history as much as anybody else but yea,seems that now i lov em' ancients and its comin up to me like bed time stories already.Well,time for pics.

This one was taken at Treasured Toys Jonker Walk.

KuchingohsikuchingcomelButidonlikkuching pic.

PMD style,dis is the kind of shit we do when we're bored with work.
(left to right-louis,sam and marn)
AND HERES THE CLASSIC move,Fabs "eat my ninggu pao" move to louis when he's sleeepin.
This one ere is real cool,its claw's gf's pet.code name baobei.
This one was taken in the lab,Julian a.k.a the freakinawesomeohmygosh concept artist
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