The Diplomats International - Ras Mohd The Reggae Ambassodor , Rudy , MC TCH , and MC Vandal.

DJ Yikin heating up the keys.

yeap,ere's one for you guys.

MC Vandal spinning during the first part of the event.

DJ Chelsea spinnig right after MC Vandal, have to admit, her style of mixing its a bit unique compared to others,thumbs up to you Chelsea.

The Diplomats rockin da house,TCH, Vandal and Ras are the main rappers and Rudy was the vocalist, suara merdu siot.

For those who don't know,that big thing up his head is actually his dreads.Cool eh?

Smack that.

Seriously guys,are u guys happy or crying here?its totally confusin.haha.

One of the finalists for that night,he pulled it all of when he started rappin in Malay,english and Canton.

TCH fillin up the space coz there was one empty space on the rap Battle list.

Mr. Joe was in da house too posin for the cam.

Chelsea with one of her friends.

Mr. Jaison jogetting with the ladies.

Not sure how to spell your name girl haha,so i better now say.But yes,the middle one,she was the MC for the Hip Hop festival weeks ago.Ere's a pic of her with her Mr and her friend.

Some of the people in Clef that night.

Another bunch of Vandal's friends dancin while Jaison spins.

MC Vandal dengan Aweks aweks kalian.

Oops.Sorry guys,she's taken.Thats her boy behind her,this too are the wakiest couple that night,the way they pose super original,i have few more explicit ones.But i've decided not to upload.heh.

udah abis,balik kampong.

Tapi kat dalam belum abis,masih chit chatting ngan kawan kawan.

Thumbs up.

Dj Yikin.

MR. Ras.

Yikin,TCH and elfione.
Aliright thats all for now ppl.Will upload stuffs again real soon.Blogger is giving me prob by underlining watever i typed.Crap.
Take care everyone.
Missing you loads babe,cant wait to see you soon.
टेक़ुएइरो मिअमौर
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