Seriously,hav no idea y dis is happenin.Darn blog bit kotek today,watever im typing now there this freakin line ere at the way.Been super busy recently,so am gonna sum up everything thru couple of pics.Will try upload more soon.PMD productiong team will be completing the movie production soon,so now we're doing our best to do as much touch ups as we can,coz its either now or never.So stay tuned ppl.mnyah.Weeks ago babe was up so had no choice,got dragged to the junkyard sale at Bangsar.To me,Junkyard sale = trash,bunch of people selling second hand clothes and all,just coz its old they reinforce the whole theme to the so called all new vintage outlook.But must admit was quite surprise with the people there,they may look like regular people selling stuffs and all but i gotta say,they're like artists,dare to dress.Of course there will be some that look so retarded that i think its totally off the whole fashion thing,but some sure has some good senses in fashion and all.I will not say anymore stuff about this coz the babe is going to get the wrong idea about me being supportive in buying more dresses and so called nice clothes and shoes.YOU'RE STILL UNDER REHAB,so DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.MNYAH.

There you go.girls waging war against each other for dresses.
more girls at war.
and more girls at war,this time,they are accompanied by their slaves(men).
Ere's one with her wearing topi mat sex pistol.
A more recent pic of me love....yea.Shopping.Thats all she can do.I can upload tons of pics,but 99.99% will be pics of her shopping for something.
Yang ni kiter sama makan dkat Newton.
Mungkin tak ckup sedap kot,tula pesal muka cam tikus import china.
Nominated for Best Smile Awards.
The following ones were taken in the TOA gallery,awesome stuff done by some students.So awesome that me and few monkeys ended up speechless there.
Back view.
Side View.
And Front three quarter view.
JasonJeremy,if you're reading this,the pics should be used as references for the DFA class.
See what i mean.Most pics are about shopping.ere we go again.
Missing you loads here me love,can't wait to see you again.
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