Oh yeah,news flash.They are spreading rumours theres a lady with curley hair upstairs the toilet,audit,till the end block there loafing around.And sometimes 2 kids.So to all TOA people reading this now,beware.LEctures said that he/she seen like more then 7 times already,if anyone of you encounter one,try making friends.Prob they can give you access to all the rooms without you flashing your ID card.Fuiyo.Chin Tian nir Chor Tiger.

This one was taken days back after our Business Meeting.OMD posing and walking to Sayang Mamak.Somehow this pic made us looked like some boy band music video.

Ere's matt.Yes,we have a dead line,but look at the screen.it says "MSN-conversation".heh.

Louis the Beat Boxer on Wacom tablet.

"hee..heeee...hehhh....biru...biru....oh....yeah.......ouhh.....biru.."said Sam.


"OMG.ere comes the cam,ok i gotta pretend im doing something"-Fab.

This shot was taken like 5 in the mornin,before we head out for a quick drink.Ere's Matt pretendin to be the afro ghost lady.

haaha,we did some experiments for fun.This one's done by fabian.


MATT.Tak berapa jadik,coz the T's were like quite hard to do.

Ere's to you my lovely sexy bum!MArNjenN!

Sam boy,previously he did it turned out "SOM".

Yeap,old man has his old way.

You just gotta be a team player,ere's Louis piloting part of the PMD team members to mars.

Yang terhormat Matthew Binti Mohamed chintiannirchortiger anak lelaki yenaradey Labrooy. Raja parking meter Sunway.
Ere's what we did yest me love,been workin all night until i finally knocked out for a while at 7.Each picture theres the "i miss you" feeling there.Just want you to know i miss you so,can't wait to see you sexy bum soon.
Sexy Bum.
Sexy Bum.
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